Parsons Problem Solving

A Parsons Problem is type of lesson where students have to solve the activity like a puzzle. All of the blocks you need to get it working are there, but they're all broken up or in the wrong order. See if you can get them back in the right order, and get the animation or game working again!

(c) Adam Gaweda

Here is a list of Parsons Puzzles that I created for two courses last Fall. There are roughly 3 per topic, though I removed a couple that would need more context/instruction. The later topics shift focus towards Data Science, but the exercises should be solvable for a CS1 student. Exercises with an * after their name contain a distractor fragment. Feel free to share or convert to other languages with anyone that requests them.

Misc Tips when Building Parson Puzzles
  • Find various example code snippets and then convert them to Parsons Puzzles via
    • One note though is the js-parsons library can crash the webpage when providing feedback on larger exercises or exercises with deep indentation, so I try to keep my source code below 20 lines and with at most 3 levels of indentation. 
  • Minimize the number of operations that can be done in any order. 
    • That isn't crucial but may be a little annoying to form a correct solution but not "the correct solution".
Hope these help,  Adam Gaweda

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